Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Marmot Pass, Buckhorn Wilderness, Olympic NF

Distance: 10.6 miles (17.2 km) Round Trip
Time: 5-6 Hours
Difficulty: Moderately Difficult
Season: Late June - Late October

While I did this trail a few years ago and loved it. I returned today and while the meadows were past peak, the views of the Olympic range and Puget Sound were outstanding! Marmot Pass contains what may be the most outstanding alpine meadows in the Pacific Northwest. That is a bold statement to be sure. But, you try it in Late June through July!

The trail starts along the Big Quilcene river in an beautiful old-growth forest full of hemlocks, Douglas fir, and Pacific silver fir. To get there, take the Penny Creek Road, just a half mile south of Quilcene. Follow the signs for Quilcene Trail all along the way. The road is mostly pavement for the 14 miles to the trailhead, but it is very narrow, so watch for oncoming traffic. At the trailhead, take the upper Quilcene trail uphill rather than the Lower Quilcene downhill.

The trail steadily climbs for 2 miles through this old-growth forest paralleling the river. Slowly, the trees become thinner and patches open up providing views across the valley at the vertical cliffs of pillow basalts uplifted from the ocean floor as the Olympic Mountains rose.

As you climb above the trees, the first alpine wildflowers are found on steep rocky scree slopes. These sunny slopes provide nice views up the valley. The trail passes in and out of the trees as it steadily climbs. This trail will eventually climb to over 6000 feet, so realize that the climb will continue.

At the upper end of the basin, the real joy begins. Here, incredible wet meadows verdantly present their spectacular display of wildflowers.

At the pass, there are beautiful views of the Dungeness Valley and the Olympic mountains. While the pass offers great views already, from the pass there are a couple of choices that will provide even more spectacular views. To the left, there is a steep way trail to the top of the ridge offering views of Mount Constance, the Brothers, and the Puget Sound.

To the right, there is a steep climb to the top of an unnamed peak with unbelievable views of Mount Rainier, Mount St. Helens, and Seattle, as well as, the Dungeness Valley and Vancouver Island. It will take you about 90 minutes round trip to climb this peak.

Last warning, while the meadows and views make this trail worth it. Because you must return the way you came and you climbed some 3000 feet from the trailhead. Guess what, you have to take the pounding on your knees on the way down. I can tell you from experience that on the return, it feels like the trail will never end.


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